Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Feeling the Pressure?

Knees giving you trouble? Do they talk back when you climb the stairs. Do they squeak when you bend? Research has shown that normal activity puts five pounds of pressure on the knees for every extra pound of weight you carry. Do something exciting like work in the garden or go for a hike and that pressure can rise to eight pounds! Doing the math, carrying a modest ten pounds on your frame can make your knees really feel the pressure. Most of the studies have been done on knees, but Cleveland Clinic orthopaedic surgeon Wael Barsoum, MD thinks it's likely that hips and other joints also would be affected. Though many factors bring affect surgery considerations for his paitients, some have found considerable relief by just shedding some of the extra weight.

We, at Fluid Fitness, work with many clients who have had knee and hip pain, injury, surgery or even replacements. The GYROTONIC system helps mobilize your joints, increasing the range of articulation available to you. Clients experience decreased pain, increased mobility and, for those who have undergone surgery, consistent workouts aid recovery and maintenance.  You also work your whole body at Fluid Fitness, improving core strength, flexibility, alignment and coordination - all factors that keep your machine well-oiled and running smoothly.

If the resistance from your joints is slowing you down, have a chat with your physician. In the meantime, come to see us at to quiet some of the complaints down below. We can help you take a load off (your knees, that is). 

See you soon!